Hollinger-Langmuir Family News

What a week!

Last Friday we learned of the passing of a dear friend, Ken Thomas. The most amazing thing about his passing is the amount of love and support offered to his partner Tim, and also how the community has supported each other as we grieve. So even in the sadness of his passing we’re surrounded by love.

Last Saturday we had a lovely visit from Jennifer and Selena, and on Sunday I accompanied Katelyn’s religious school class to the Mormon Temple in Oakland for a delightful educational session.

Haley continues to have lots of band rehearsals in preparation for Taylor Middle School’s trip to Disneyland in 2 weeks. So she’s now practicing Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, Monday evenings, and Tuesday after school. At least this week has been STAR testing so not much homework.

Had a lovely lunch with Francesca on Monday, although wasn’t feeling well. Now on antibiotics for a bladder infection. Sigh.

My friend Stacy came to rehearsal of the West Bay Community Band with me (where I play tuba) on Monday, considering playing clarinet but being lobbied to consider percussion since we’re short in that area.

On Tuesday I interviewed another house cleaner. We had one for a while and she stopped returning calls, and the next one isn’t very responsive so we’re looking again. Blessed to be able to afford this luxury, but one more thing to manage in our lives.

On Wednesday I got two shots, one Euflexxa shot in my left knee (synthetic cushioning, to help make up for lack of cartilage) and a cortisone shot in my left hip to deal with some recurring bursitis. So I’ve been limping around.

Haley has been having trouble with her left foot and it hasn’t gotten any better, so we took her to the doctor on Thursday. He recommended better shoes, so she got some fancy athletic shoes.

Katelyn continues to struggle in school with her ADHD, so we’re starting on a different path. She’s going to start seeing an adolescent psychologist who specializes in ADHD. He will take on managing her medication and hopefully help in other ways too. Her first appointment is scheduled for 5/16. We will also be moving forward with a “504 Designation”. This is for kids in school who have a medical impairment of some kind who may need special accommodations. For example, for kids who get easily distracted they can sit in the front row in class, or take tests in a separate room without distractions. There are apparently a number of such accommodations, which will go over with the folks at the school. Katelyn can choose what, if any, accommodations we think will help her. We’re trying to get the 504 meeting scheduled before the end of the year so we can decide what to do for next year.

We had a lovely visit with Liza and Jody last night, complete with sushi delivery.

Looking foward to lunch with Freda today.


May 5, 2012 - Posted by | Family, Haley, Jason, Marilyn, Recreation, School, Val

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